Project Chase
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wide Angle Lens for the iPhone
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Drop the 'Digital'
WEDNESDAY - 10TH OF NOVEMBER, 2010I heard it again yesterday for the billionth time: “Digital Photography”. Isn’t it time we drop the word ‘digital’?
Seems we’ve managed to drop the “electric” from “electric guitar” in common parlance.
We found it easy to drop the word “acrylic” from “acrylic painting” when that came on the scene with oils.
We quickly ditched the “digital” from “digital music” when it took the lead over records and tapes and CDs.
I suppose by-and-large our industry has dropped the word, but given that digital and analog photography are fundamentally the same thing, isn’t it time we implore the rest of the world to assimilate the term “digital photography” back into “photography” as a whole?
Related posts:
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
TiltShift Generator
Now, to the why.
Tilt shift Gen is not so much a picture TAKING application but more of a picture
"There are controls for blur levels, color (saturation, brightness, contrast), and vignetting. Using any combination of these, you can create some beautiful effects and vintage style images."
If you don't already have this app on your iPhone, I suggest you rectify yourself!
Sources for information:
Uploading Pictures to Picasa with a Mobile Device.
Instructions (found on Google's help section for Picasa mobile uploads)
First of all, this feature requires you to E-mail the pictures with a photo attachment app and picasa's e-mail upload capabilities.
Set it up as follows:
1. Sign in to your acount at
2. Click the Settings link in the top-right corner.
3. On the General tab, in the 'Upload photos by email' section, check the box next to 'Allow me to upload photos by email.'
4. Enter a 'secret word,' 6-15 characters long. As you enter this word, an email address appears.
5. Click the Save changes button.
6. To email upload your photos, just attach them to an email message and send it to the newly-created address.
7. A new folder will be created in your Picasa web albums at this point called 'Drop Box'
This can be done with any mobile device that has e-mail, not just the iPhone.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
All Pictures ©Staphon Arnold
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Lens: Jimmy
Film: Ina's 1969
Lens: John S
Film: Blanko
Flash: Off
All Pictures ©Staphon Arnold